14 February, 2012

Information at your fingertips

I'm a big proponent of technology. Heaven knows I depend on it for everything from communication to brainstorming to reminders. So, obviously, I have my iPod Touch loaded up with Israel-specific apps. Here are the apps I use on a more-or-less daily basis:
These are on top of the usual apps you'd use in any place you live, such as Skype or Evernote or the ubiquitous Facebook. I also don't have an iPhone, so I don't have apps that depend on having a constant connection to the internet, and these are just the apps I tend to use, so it's certainly not to say this is a be all, end all list. Not by any means. But these are my recommendations for what works for me. If you have any suggestions, for iOS or Android, leave them in the comments.

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