06 December, 2011


I have never been a fan of reality television; in fact, I can't think of one reality series that I watched with any regularity (though Rich's ANTM re-caps almost changed that). However, Simon somehow got it in his head that we simply had to watch the Israeli version of "The Amazing Race", which translates to "The Race for a Million (Shekels)". I reluctantly agreed, as I figured it would be good practice for my Hebrew.

Thing is: totally addicting. And it's on twice a week, too, which makes it worse (better?). They picked really good teams, so it's really more about the people than the race itself, which is probably the point. At first we were rooting for Shira and Firas, for obvious reasons, but they've since been eliminated.

So now we're torn: we like Alon and Oren because they're smart; Bar and Ina because they're ridiculous but surprisingly capable; Osi and Carmit, because they are Yemeni and made of awesome; and Tom and Adele, because he's dumb as a brick and she mocks him for it.

There's also Akiva and Anahel, the religious couple who are kind of annoying and too lovey-dovey and Anahel uses her pet-name for her husband, "Shushi", without reserve, as has been remixed in the above video. I don't think either of us would be too sad if they were eliminated...

But it's kind of fun to watch them.

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